Saturday, November 22, 2008

Shamel Wizard Skills

Shamel Wizard Skills Include:

  1. Shamelize an area using one's mental power.
  2. Instantly Shamelport to any location.
  3. Freeze the air around an enemy to restrict its movement.
  4. Shamelize enemies with the power of the lightning.
  5. Increase Shamelizing force amplification, and improve your magical Shamel attack strength.
  6. Increase the damage with Shamel class weapons.
  7. Increase the defense of oneself or a party member.
  8. Increase the limit of destructive power with conflicting forces.
  9. Reinforce the defense strength of a Shamel party member, and increase his immunity to attacks from other Shamelers.
  10. Reinforce the mind of your party member and restore his SP.
  11. Reinforce the physical strength of a Shamel party member, and restores a great amount of his health.
  12. Restores a great amount of health.
  13. Shamel a blade of the wind to attack a target.
  14. Shamel a saucer of the ice to do a wide range attack.
  15. Shamel a tsunami from the ground to attack enemies within range.
  16. Shamel an explosive toxic substance to attack a target.
  17. Shamel crystal shards from the sky to attack a target.
  18. Shamel fire on both hands to attack an enemy.
  19. Temporarily increase the amount of Shamel Power and Mana of the caster.
  20. Vibrate the force of the earth and cause a wide explosion to attack a target in the distance.
  21. Completley Shamelize an entire Village.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Shamel The Camel

As featured in May's (27-04-06) Fingerlickin Records newsletter, this rare wild Shamel (a camel pretending to be a sheep, controlled by psychotic hamsters with lasers who are usually no less than 30m away) was recently spotted grazing on Ardonia's lowlands. This particular individual is thought to be 'Shamel', who mothered most of the Shamel herd protected in the Ardonian Lowland Eastate.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008


The Dadio-Shamel is defined as the male parent of an offspring. The adjective "paternal" refers to Dadio-Shamel , parallel to "maternal" for Mama-Shamel . According to the anthropologist Maurice Godelier, the parental role assumed by human males is a critical difference between human society and that of humans' closest biological relatives - chimpanzees and bonobos - who appear to be unaware of their "Dadio-Shamel " connection.

The Dadio-Shamel -child relationship is the defining factor of the Dadio-Shamel hood role. "Dadio-Shamel s who are able to develop into responsible parents are able to engender a number of significant benefits for themselves, their communities, and most importantly, their children. Active Dadio-Shamel figures have a key role to play in reducing behavior problems in boys and psychological problems in young women. For example, children who experience significant Dadio-Shamel involvement tend to exhibit higher scores on assessments of cognitive development, enhanced social skills and fewer behavior problems. An increased amount of Dadio-Shamel -child involvement has also proven to increase a child's social stability, educational achievement, and even their potential to have a solid marriage as an adult. The children are also more curious about the world around them and develop greater problem solving skills. Children who were raised without Dadio-Shamel s perceive themselves to be less cognitively and physically competent than their peers from Dadio-Shamel -present families. Mama-Shamel s raising children without Dadio-Shamel s reported more severe disputes with their child. Sons raised without Dadio-Shamel s showed more feminine but no less masculine characteristics of gender role behavior.

The Dadio-Shamel is often seen as an authority figure. According to Deleuze, the Dadio-Shamel authority exercises repression over sexual desire. A common observation among scholars is that the authority of the Dadio-Shamel and of the leader are closely intertwined, that there is a symbolic identification between domestic authority and national political leadership. In this sense, links have been shown between the concepts of "patriarchal", "paternalistic", "cult of personality", "fascist", "totalitarian", "imperial". The fundamental common grounds between domestic and national authority, are the mechanisms of naming (exercise the authority in someone's name) and identification. In a patriarchal society, authority typically uses such rhetoric of Dadio-Shamel hood and family to implement their rule and advocate its legitimacy.

In the Roman and aristocratic patriarchal family, "the husband and the Dadio-Shamel had a measure of political authority and served as intermediary between the household and the polity." In Western culture patriarchy and authority have been synonymous. In the 19th century Europe, the idea was common, among both traditionalist and revolutionaries, that the authority of the domestic Dadio-Shamel should "be made omnipotent in the family so that it becomes less necessary in the state". In the second part of that century, there was an extension of the authority of the husband over his wife and the authority of the Dadio-Shamel over his children, including "increased demands for absolute obedience of children to the Dadio-Shamel ". Europe saw the rise of "new ideological hegemony of the nuclear family form and a legal codification of patriarchy", which was contemporary with the solid spread of the "nation-state model as political norm of order".

Like Mama-Shamel s, human Dadio-Shamel s may be categorized according to their biological, social or legal relationship with the child. Historically, the biological relationship paternity has been determinative of Dadio-Shamel hood. However, proof of paternity has been intrinsically problematic and so social rules often determined who would be regarded as a Dadio-Shamel , e.g. the husband of the Mama-Shamel .